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In 2020, the TPB affirmed its commitment to considering equity in everything we do. To consider equity in our work, we need to plan our transportation system to address historic disadvantages due to race, ethnicity, age, and ability. TPB also needs to consider the impacts the transportation has on disadvantaged populations and ensure all people have access to the transportation system.

In response to the 2020 TPB Resolution on equity, the TPB will examine its work through an equity lens, and will continue to share information/tools to examine and improve transportation equity in our region.

Learn more about the TPB planning activities for this factor:

  • COG equity page Equity | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (
  • Environmental Justice Analysis and Equity Emphasis Areas (link)
  • Voices of the Region Public Outreach: A regional survey and focus groups have been conducted to examine public opinion across a range of topics. The information gathered in this research helps the TPB examine equity considerations. Learn more.
  • Access for All: To ensure on-going participation from low-income and minority communities, persons with disabilities and those with limited English skills, the TPB created the Access for All (AFA) Advisory Committee in 2001 to advise the Board on transportation issues, programs, policies, and services that are important to these communities and individuals. AFA will have the opportunity to provide input to and review the plan.
  • The TPB develops the Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan for the National Capital Region, updated in November 2018, identifies unmet transportation needs for people with disabilities, low-income individuals and older adults.
  • The TPB also has a Language Assistance Plan (Attachment F) and follows the COG accommodations policy to provide access to documents, meetings or any other planning activities to limited English proficiency populations and those with disabilities.
  • COG equity page Equity
    Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (