The region boasts one of the premier public transit systems in the country. Metro moves hundreds of thousands of people—commuters, students, and tourists—each workday. Commuter rail services in Maryland (MARC) and Virginia (VRE) and dozens of local bus and other transit providers move many thousands more. Together, these transit services play a critical role in sustaining economic vitality, serving the needs of low-income and other disadvantaged populations, providing high-quality alternatives to driving, building communities, and reducing environmental impacts.
Learn more about the TPB planning activities
- TPB transit page: Roads & Transit – Planning Areas | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (
- The TPB has identified 49 Transit Access Focus Areas (TAFAs) in an interactive web map to showcase places with the greatest need for improvements to make it easier for people to walk and bike to transit.
- TOC/HCT map
- The TPB has identified High Capacity Transit (HCT) Station Areas and transit-oriented communities (TOCs)with an interactive web map.
- BRT Infographic – The TPB has produced an infographic and accompanying video to provide educational materials for our members to learn about Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the region.
- MARC/VRE Run Through study What’s the market potential for MARC-VRE run-through service? – TPB News – News | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (
- Transit Development Plans (TDPs) help transit operators improve their efficiency and effectiveness by identifying the need and required resources for modifying and enhancing services provided to the general public and also help operators effectively execute planning, funding, and implementation of public transit services. (Source: DRPT)
- Transit Strategic Plans (TSP): The main goal of a TSP is to create a strategic blueprint outlining desired changes that will improve the provision of transit services throughout each agency’s service area within existing funding structures. More information can be found here.